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Ultimate Fee/Discount

OC 3.x Ultimate Fee/Discount 303.2

Release Notes:
- Added: "L + W + H" rule, to calculate the sum of all dimensions of a product
- Added: "Price" rule, to compare individual product prices (ignoring the quantity of the item in the cart)
- Added: ability to negate "Customer Data" and "Option" rules by adding the ! character to the beginning of the entered value
- Added: "Filters" rule, and Filters be added to "Product Group" rules now

- Fixed: "Postcode" rules didn't work if the value was blank
- Fixed: Flat Charges with { and } weren't working correctly
- Fixed: Charge Combinations using "Single Title" would strip out everything after a parenthesis "(" character
- Fixed: "Customer Data" rules weren't working properly
- Fixed: "Reward Points applied to cart" rules weren't checking for 0 points
- Fixed: "Past Orders: Days" rules had an issue with ranges that started at 0
- Fixed: "Address" rules didn't work if the value was blank
- Fixed: "Undefined variable: highest_tax_class" error

- Updated: improved the Google Maps error messages to be more verbose
- Updated: Product Criteria rules now have a more clear Testing Mode message
- Updated: products that do not qualify for "Product Group" rules will now be taken out of the calculated total when there is a "Total Value = Total" rule
- Updated: "Custom Field" rules now support ranges
- Updated: added a fix for a rare tax_class_id issue when using certain quick checkouts and Charge Combinations
- Updated: Charge Combinations with invalid Group members will no longer be displayed with a 0.00 cost
Release Notes:
- NOTE: The 1.5.x version is now feature-comparable with the 2.x/3.x version. The extension uses a vQmod file to accomplish this, which has been tested but might have some issues in the initial version. If you're using OpenCart 1.5.x and have any trouble with it, please contact Clear Thinking.

- NOTE: The "Customer" rule has been replaced by the "Customer Data" rule in this version. This rule is more flexible since it can compare against many different customer fields, but it does not include an auto-complete field any more. To replace your old "Customer" rules, you'll need to add a new rule like "Customer Data: email = (the customer's email)", and manually enter the customer's e-mail address instead. Your current "Customer" rules will not be converted automatically. You can recreate your setup using the new rules, or contact Clear Thinking if you need assistance.

- Added: full compatibility with OpenCart 1.5.x again
- Added: ability to use { and } for Flat Charge calculations
- Added: "Ignore Specials" rule to ignore all products with a Special or Discount price for the charge
- Added: "Recurring Profile" rule to limit a charge to products in the cart that have a particular recurring profile applied (or not applied) to them

- Confirmed: compatibility with OpenCart 3.0.3.x

- Fixed: for total comparisons in different currencies, the main store's default currency wasn't being utilized correctly
- Fixed: "City" rules weren't trimming the city name the customer entered
- Fixed: the Google API key wasn't being trimmed in the API request to Google
- Fixed: "Coupon" rules weren't being compared case-insensitively
- Fixed: "Custom Field" rules weren't checking for a blank value correctly
- Fixed: "Indirect modification of overloaded property: $row" error
- Fixed: using :: to separate ranges for Postcode type charges wasn't working
- Fixed: OpenCart wasn't respecting the sorting of Charge Combinations
- Fixed: "Buy X Get Y Z% Off" wasn't working with "Sub-Total Ignoring Options"

- Updated: Testing Mode now has a button to download the log when over 1 MB
- Updated: Testing Mode log is now cleared automatically when over 50 MB
- Updated: "Customer" rule has been replaced by "Customer Data" rule
- Updated: a Charge Combination with a single title will no longer show the single price if "Combined Title, With Prices" is chosen
- Added: "Shipping Cost" as a type of bracket charge
- Added: dedicated "Shipping Cost" rule in the Order Criteria section

- Removed: "Total Value = Shipping Cost" rule option

- Updated: [total] shortcodes are now always rounded to 2 decimal places
- Added: caching for retrieving extension settings
- Added: "Average Order Amount" comparison for Past Orders rules

- Fixed: Product Criteria rules were not always evaluating correctly if the cart had no products, but had a gift voucher in it
- Fixed: Product Groups using "not" comparisons with category members needed a small change to work correctly with cross-categorized products
- Fixed: issues when "Shipping Rate is" rules were combined with "Shipping Rate is not" rules, or multiple "is not" rules were used together
- Fixed: "Undefined index: title" error when using negative Group values

- Updated: "Total Value = Cheapest Product Total" rule can now be used in conjunction with other Total Value rules