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Universal Import/Export Pro

OC 3.x Universal Import/Export Pro 3.6.1

- Compatibility .xls import with php 7.4
- Possibility to set various models to filter for export
- Fix delete condition not working properly
- Possibility to export backup with conditions
- Fix truncate in export backup
- Fix restore backup stopping on empty line
- Fix options mixed in update preserve mode
- Option to select XML processor engine
- Comptibility with Public Downloads

- Possibility to save extra function result into existing import file fields
- Detect if export field is too long for excel field (32k)
- New filter to select max quantity in product export
- Possibility to choose export folder
- New option to choose some condition for step 2 > delete
- Choose fields to export for customer
- Compat with latest sql version
- Default values for attribute import applies to all values in case of multiples
- New option to skip current item if image is not found
- Added customer IP field for import
- Added user agent, ip, accept language fields in order import/export
- Improved conditionnal values to apply on array
- Fix image save issue when incorrect charset in filename from xlsx file
- Fix undefined children in some xmls
- Improved xml path finding
- De-duplicate first additional image in case it is same than main image and using image array

- Fix complex custom fields value showing array() instead of value
- Fix export was not exporting product with qty below 0
- Fix Update preserve mode was not resetting options in case of empty option field
- Fix export product attributes was not exporting all attributes
- New options to choose specific import format for discount and special price
- Fix old options not deleted when using mode 'update first then add option'

- Reviews import/export
- Possibility to change the import label in product edition
- More details for special price export
- Fixed issues "htmlspecialchars(): charset UTF-8 not supported" on some servers
- Added parameter in step 2 to choose the data field for JSON files
- Possibility to import filters by ID
- Moved Import label into step 4
- Choose out of stock status in product quick update
- Possibility to update only one language in attribute import
- Better handling of CSV option import
- Possibility to set category code to import by specific identifier
- Better related product detection
- Compatibility of update preserve mode with mega filter
- Better compatibility with google spreadsheet files
- Fix empty rows when using xml with namespaces
- Do not update special price if it is equal to 0
- New possibilities to import attributes in CSV/XLS mode
- If xml node is not found put > before the node name to try other detection method

- Possibility to import customer in update preserve mode
- Possibility to combine various fields in advanced option import
- Fix mix of default address
- If no default address the 1st one is assigned as default
- Fix XLS export of big number (+15 digits) were getting scientific notation as default in excel, now will be normal number

- Attribute advanced mode now also works for json
- Possibility to handle more possibilities for file download
- Customer import now display exact number of necessary addresses to import

- Possibility to set category code, allow to work with feeds which only has category code instead of name
- Improved API import
- Fix undefined index $k in quick update mode
- Do not insert first additional image in case of same than main image was not working when using a field separator
- Handle images links with // instead of https://

- Fix issue double name value when Complete SEO multistore mode was enabled
- Added possibility to set the product option value id in order to keep same id on option import/update
- Fix xml path typed manually in extra functions were not saved correctly in profile
- Handle multiple options values and multiple quantity by separator in Product Quick Update
- API import can handle more possibilities
- Profiles list is now sorted alphabetically
- Automatically get correct download link when using a google drive or google docs link
- Support download of webp images
- Set default values also works with array values
- Detects image filename inside headers in case it is not elsewhere

- Option to export manufacturer images as URL like for products
- More flexible API
- Possibility to set {year} {month} {day} tag in import url or ftp url
- Option to export manufacturer images as URL like for products
- More flexible API
- Possibility to set {year} {month} {day} tag in import url or ftp url

- Fix error with some specific XML file

- Export also the sku in Per product export mode
- Possibility to handle more fields in Skip on existing value function
- Fix undefined index with some specific XML formats
- Better handling of customer custom fields import

- Possibility to match multiple items in product quick update

- Fix attributes not exported in csv when no selecting language
- Advanced discount import is now in product quick update too
- Possibility to handle values separated by multiple separator as option value in quick update
- Fixed undefined option_format
- Correctly import images with url encoded path
- Improved special price import
- Possibility to choose the file encoding on xml files
- Import all extra fields of category/information/manufacturer import with Complete SEO multistore setup
- Import attributes from <table> now strips extra spaces/tabs
- Do not import empty attribute/filters
- Better layout override import
- Added update preserve mode for attribute import
- New option in extra function skip: is not equal to list
- Add more possible operation in extra function Wholesale price calculator
- Fix field replace not saving correctly manual value
- Fix some remote images not found in case they contains encoded chars
- New extra function to insert specific values [unique_id] [current_row]
- Image downloader can now also download images from ftp url (ftp://usr:[email protected])
- Fix some default values not saved in profile
- Fix custom field nodes in order export XML
- Fix CSV product export not exporting options in single row mode
- Import label when using cron now can use the name saved in profile
- Fix session lost during big process caused by too much data in session
- Possibility to use {date:d-m-Y} in import url (works with php date format)
- Fix error using some specific delete settings
- Function replace can now also replace by field value
- Fix cron not workign when saving profile name with accentuated chars
- Fix remote image returns 404 although correct url on some remote servers
- New option to only insert new categories
- Round total in order update > skip on existing value
- Give more information on skip on existing value function
- Fix undefined categor_insert_type when using update replace mode
- Possibility to select which data to export for orders
- Fixed "update first then add option" mode not working properly
- Fix 403 error on some urls
- Regex functions now work in multiline mode
- New import mode by API
- JSON type new extracts data from array subnodes
- Fix Set default value param not saved correctly in profile
- Fixed skip on existing value not working
- Fixed attribute name import
- Option import correctly detects option name in case of special chars in name
- Possibility to use line breaks as custom multiple separator with [\n]
- New option for attributes to get correct data in case of colon in value
- Fix category preserve mode reseting parent category
- Possibility to change table prefix in Backup mode
- XLS import compatible with PHP 7.3
- Fix existing item mode: update first then add option not correctly detecting option when matching batch number
- New parameter to set a multiple value separator for option value
- Profiles for export
- Category filter in export now includes also the subcategories
- Filter export by tag
- Status string not correctly detecting in category import
- Possibility to import Canonical path for Complete SEO Package
- Improved attributes array detection
- Improved option relative path detection
- Fixed category exclusing binding was only taking 1 category
- Attribute import detect incorrect database values and fix them
- Improved XLSX performance
- Filters can be imported separated by multiple separator
- Fixed selected export fields in export profile were not in correct order
Added multiple values separator.
- Fix attributes not exported in csv when no selecting language
- Advanced discount import is now in product quick update too
- Possibility to handle values separated by multiple separator as option value in quick update
- Fixed undefined option_format
- Correctly import images with url encoded path
- Improved special price import
- Possibility to choose the file encoding on xml files
- Import all extra fields of category/information/manufacturer import with Complete SEO multistore setup
- Import attributes from <table> now strips extra spaces/tabs
- Do not import empty attribute/filters
- Better layout override import
- Added update preserve mode for attribute import
- New option in extra function skip: is not equal to list
- Add more possible operation in extra function Wholesale price calculator
- Fix field replace not saving correctly manual value
- Fix some remote images not found in case they contains encoded chars
- New extra function to insert specific values [unique_id] [current_row]
- Image downloader can now also download images from ftp url (ftp://usr:[email protected])
- Fix some default values not saved in profile
- Fix custom field nodes in order export XML
- Fix CSV product export not exporting options in single row mode
- Import label when using cron now can use the name saved in profile
- Fix session lost during big process caused by too much data in session
- Possibility to use {date:d-m-Y} in import url (works with php date format)
- Fix error using some specific delete settings
- Function replace can now also replace by field value
- Fix cron not workign when saving profile name with accentuated chars
- Fix remote image returns 404 although correct url on some remote servers
- New option to only insert new categories
- Round total in order update > skip on existing value
- Give more information on skip on existing value function
- Fix undefined categor_insert_type when using update replace mode
- Possibility to select which data to export for orders
- Fixed "update first then add option" mode not working properly
- Fix 403 error on some urls